This is pretty F’in Cool, These Cards are so much more than Uno looking Nintendo cards, at least when viewed through the 3DS Eye, But to truly understand, you have to see the great example video Engadget threw together!!! @TatWza
This is pretty F’in Cool, These Cards are so much more than Uno looking Nintendo cards, at least when viewed through the 3DS Eye, But to truly understand, you have to see the great example video Engadget threw together!!! @TatWza
Could Be, and it Could have Blu-ray, Improved processing, Improved storage, Full HD HDMI support, More gesture controls, Improved online options, 3D, Built-in projection, AND Built-in projection….See Details. @TatWza
Modder Jack Malone had made the EVOtainment Systemout of a Nerf Wii racing wheel, a Wii Remote, A Wii Classic Controller, and of coarse an HTC EVO…See Details @TatWza
N64oid application is a video game emulator for Android, kinda crazy, check it out! @TatWza
When the Nintendo 3DS Drops in the US on the 27th of this month, apparently it will be able to stream Netflix, which is pretty cool! @TatWza
In Japan, but that means our Date is right around the corner!!! See Pictures In Details. @TatWza