Tech Talk Gaming: Wii Price Drop Official!!!

Remember I told you about May 15th and the Nintendo Wii Price drop, Because the Wii 2 is coming, well it turns out the Price drop is real so the Wii 2 MUST Be Coming!!! Nintendo will not only drop the Price, but they are throwing in Mario Kart, and the Wheel you need for it!, Hit the Jump to see what games you can get for $20! @TatWza

(Update) Tech Talk Rumor Is: The Wii 2 Is Coming!!

I’ve been telling you the Wii 2 is coming, and Nintendo has dropped some official news on it’s arrival, and you’ll have to hit the Jump to find out! @TatWza

Wii Sale Before Price Change, Find Out Where!!!!

Apparently there is a new price point for the Nintendo Wii coming in May, Hit the jump to find out!! @TatWza

Tech Talk Rumor Is: Nintendo Wii 2 Coming June??

There’s a little gaming convention you have probably heard of, the E3, it’s only the Biggest GameCon This side of the last planet that NASA mapped in space(Nerd Joke), and this year 2011(like most year’s) it’s in June, and word is Nintendo….See the Jump. @TatWza

Wii Price Change Coming??

Apparently there is a new price point for the Nintendo Wii coming in May, Hit the jump to find out!! @TatWza

Another N64 Portable Handheld -_-

Ok this Modder thing of turning mad old systems into portables is getting kinda stupid since the PSP and DS, and even there newer models like the NGP and 3DS, but they insist on Modding so I’ll Show you. @TatWza

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