Nigerian Soliders Kill Two Radical Sect Leaders

At a Nigerian car checkpoint, soldiers have killed two ranking members of a radical Islamist sect responsible for hundreds of killings. The shooting occurred with one of the leaders’ wife and children inside. The wife and children are in military custody. Click below to read more. Jason J.

Cocaine-stuffed Roasted Chicken!

Authorities in Nigeria have arrested a man who tried to sneak a roasted chicken stuffed with cocaine into the country. The unusual stuffing was worth $150,000! The man arrested, Vincent Chegini Chinweuwa, told investigators he hoped to start a business in Nigeria with the drug money. Click below to read more. Jason J.

Breaking News: Passenger Plane Crashes In Nigeria’s Largest City!

A passenger plane with about 140 to 150 on board crashed in Lagos today, Nigeria’s largest city.  The amount of people dead are still unknown, but according to some reports many might have not survived. Stay tuned as details emerge.  Hit the jump for details. Steph Bassanini

25 Killed In Easter Sunday Bombing In Nigeria

25 are dead and 13 are wounded after a bomb went off in a bustling Nigerian commercial center. Hit the jump for the full story. steveisDOPE

(Fellas Check The Pic!) Yaris Sanchez Shows Off Her Bikini Body On Vacation!

Fellas check out this pic of Yaris Sanchez on her vacation in Lagos, Nigeria trying to get her tan on! DJTech4

11 More Killed In Attacks In Nigeria

Yesterday at least 143 people were killed in planned attacks in Nigeria and last night 11 more people were killed near Kano. Civilians and police and army personnel were among those who were killed. Two churches were also attacked. Read more after the jump. Julie1205

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