(Video) Obama Outlines Plan To Reform NSA ?!

President Obama plans to reform a number of controversial NSA spy programs. To see news coverage of this story, click below.

Tech Talk Security: Homeland Security To Monitor Your Social Networks Even More!

Some people like me like to use their Twitter page to talk yo sh*t. Plenty of stuff like the government pisses you off on a daily basis and you would like to discuss why you are pissed with your peers. But maybe we need to move with ease now because Big Brother is looking to monitor your speech on Facebook, Twitter etc. WZA on Google+ X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

2017 Will Bring SECURITY EXPRESS LANE At Airport!!!!!

States now have the option to allow residents express check-in at the airport despite national security concerns. Today Connecticut puts the new law into action. Hit the jump for details! Emma RABID

Watch White House Briefing Live Here!!!

JOIN THE LIVE CHAT VISIT WHITEHOUSE.GOV President is said to be speaking about National Security(Bin Laden Is Dead)at Whenever he can PM!!! @TatWza

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