NFL: Cool or Nah?! Black Player & White Player On Lions Call Each Other “Ni—-” & “Cracker”

In light of the whole Riley Cooper situation, we have another racial story … and it’s got an interesting twist. I’d love to know how people feel about this?!  Two players on the Detroit Lions — one black and one white — call each other ni—- & cracker.  They obviously have a pretty good friendship if they’re calling each other racial slurs. Some people may not agree with what they’re doing.  I think people should live their life the way they want if they aren’t hurting anyone.  So if that’s what they like to do, who are we to judge?!  Do you see any problem with it?!   Check out the story…

NFL: Riley Cooper’s Grandmother Weighs in on His Use of the N-Word

After video surfaced of Eagles wide receiver Riley Cooper using the N-word, his world has been turned upside down.  He was fined by his team and ordered to undergo counseling.  His teammate LeSean McCoy spoke out against him and his own grandmother was no different.  Read more after the jump.

NFL: Update, Riley Cooper Excused From Eagles

Now, this does not mean Riley Cooper has been released by the Eagles, at least not yet. The Eagles have excused Riley from team activities indefinitely, so he can attend sensitivity training. The reasoning seems to be that team officials are smart enough to realize the atmosphere in the locker room is still very tense and it might be in the best interest of the team if Cooper is not around for now. Hit the jump to see what they said.

NFL: Eagles LeSean McCoy “I Can’t Respect Riley Cooper”

In the aftermath of the insensitive racial comments said by Eagles wide receiver Riley Cooper, many of his teammates who have known him have moved on. They made it clear they were offended by him using the “N word”, but they have accepted his sincere apologies and are trying to move forward with him as their teammate. The only player to publicly come out and not just say the politically correct thing is running back LeSean McCoy. He spoke his true feelings about the situation, and you definitely can not blame him for doing so. Hit the jump to see more about what he said.

*Updated* (Video) NFL: Eagles WR Riley Cooper Caught On Tape Saying, “I Will Fight Every N—– Here”

It really makes me sick to see something like this.  I would like to believe that people don’t act this, but they do. SMH.  I wonder how Riley Cooper will explain this in the locker room?!  There is no defending this type of behavior. It’s just unacceptable. The Eagles WR was caught on tape at a Kenny Chesney concert saying, “I will fight every n*gger here.” Check it out & let us know what you think…

(Video) Sports: Is This Athlete In Paula Deen’s Corner?!

I love TMZ, they have some great stories, but sometimes their headlines are a little crazy. Lol.  When I first saw this story on Laila Ali “still being in Paula Deen’s corner” I was kind of surprised.  Everyone has an opinion on the situation and they are entitled to that opinion, but Laila doesn’t say she’s “got Paula’s back.”  Take a listen (don’t read) to what Laila said & let us know what you think…

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