Jimmy Iovine who is CEO of Beats Electronics, wants to launch a music streaming service similar in a few months. He also wants AT&T to help him do this.
Jimmy Iovine who is CEO of Beats Electronics, wants to launch a music streaming service similar in a few months. He also wants AT&T to help him do this.
Microsoft is trying to be competition for Spotify and Pandora. They are set to announce a music streaming service, details about it after the jump. Follow @TatWza +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+
 Wow, this is getting huh…Cluttered, I see since the Music industry missed the initial Digital boom, they are signing deals all over the Place, Apple, Amazon, Google, BBM, I mean they might as well sign this #IFWT deal!!! Any way See the reason the Rumor Is Facebook Will be dishing Music! Tat WZA WZA on Google+
Rumor is Google is internally testing a(new) Google Music service, But it’s Not ready just yet….See Details. @TatWza