Matt Damon Opens Up About Gay Rumors

Matt Damon was put in a funny position when rumors about himself and longtime friend and colleague Ben Affleck came up as they rose to fame together with their breakout piece “Good Will Hunting” but he never denied the rumors not until now. Matt who says he was never homosexual goes on to explain why he never spoke up. Hit the jump for more. PaulDaPro

“RoboCop” Remake Release Pushed To 2014, Thanks To “Elysium”

The highly anticipated “RoboCop”remake which was due to release on August 9th 2013 has been pushed back to February 7th 2014. Sony & Columbia made this decision in order to make room for another upcoming sci-fi film “Elysium” starring Matt Damon, which will be released in theaters August 9th 2013. Click below for more info Funk Flex

Actor Matt Damon Rips Pres. Obama Saying “A One-Term President With Some Balls Would’ve Been Better”

Actor Matt Damon is throwing shots at the president claiming he doesn’t have any ‘balls.’ Wow! The Actor also weighed in on Occupy Wall Street protests, arguing Obama’s lack of leadership has contributed to Americans’ overall discontent. Click below to find out more. @WiLMajor

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