Tech Talk Gaming: Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut Dropping This Week!!

Fans of the Mass Effect series were not trilled with the ending of the series. Well Bioware has answered the concerns of the fans by adding a new ending to the game. Details about the new ending after the jump. ShottaDru X TatWza

(Video) Tech Talk Gaming: Check Out The Kinect In Action With Mass Effect 3!!!

Xbox really has a lot of potential with their Kinect add on. Check out how you can use Kinect with Mass Effect 3 which dropped today. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Tech Talk Games: New Mass Effect 3 Trailer!!!

Are you interested about the upcoming releasing of the sequel famous game Mass Effect? Here is the latest Hands-on video of Mass Effect which is revealed in PAX. @Yungjohnnybravo @TatWZA

(Photo) Tech Talk Replica: Real Life Mass Effect 3 Gun???

Just thought you gaming fans would really like this, no jump to hit, just enjoy this replica of the “Mass Effect 3 N7”. Of coarse it doesn’t actually shoot lasers but it could be apart of a possible movie build, since a hobby Prop maker built it!! Tat WZA

Tech Talk Gaming: A Look At Mass Effect 3!!!!

One of the most Played games on the market, and part 3 is coming, let it ‘Mass Effect’ You!!!! Tat WZA

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