It was reported that Glen Rice Jr. was booked on Monday morning with a slew of charges. The details of the case weren’t revealed initially but now the story is coming out about the former NBA player.
It was reported that Glen Rice Jr. was booked on Monday morning with a slew of charges. The details of the case weren’t revealed initially but now the story is coming out about the former NBA player.
State police arrested Alexander Bernstein for cocaine possession during a traffic stop. Turns out it was just homemade soap. Bernstein spent a month in jail, but never actually had any cocaine. Pennsylvania state police mistook homemade soap packages for cocaine. Hit the jump to find out how much Bernstein is suing for in damages.
Steve Katz, a Republican State Assemblyman who has spoken out against illegal drug culture and even voted against legalizing medicinal marijuana was stopped in a routine traffic stop after driving over 80 mph in a 65 mph zone. The cop said he could vaguely smell marijuana coming from the car. When the 59 year old veterinarian was asked if he had marijuana on him, he admitted that he did and handed the cop the contraband a bag of less than 25 grams. The trooper then ticketed Katz for noncriminal possession of marijuana and speeding and sent him on his way. Katz was driving to Albany at the time, and he’s spoken candidly about the thuggish culture of Albany, but now other politicians point the finger at him. Brooklyn Senator Martin Golden who is also a Republican called Katz “hipocritical” for voting against pot legislation and then catching a possessions charge. “Be true to yourself,” Golden said, “If you like marijuana and smoke marijuana, at least vote for it.” Katz court date is set for March 28th where he says when all the facts come out it should be put to rest. We’ll see, Katz maintains that this incident will not interfere with his public service. Hit the jump for more.