(Video) Hillary Clinton Hits The #MannequinChallenge On Election Day!

While on her plane today, Hillary Clinton decided to take part in the viral sensation that is the #MannequinChallenge. Joined by her husband, Bill Clinton, New Jersey’s very own Bon Jovi, Huma Abedin and the rest of the Clinton administration, our future POTUS struck a pose and surprisingly nailed it. Check out the video below. I wonder who will be next to join this challenge! (By the way, don’t they look like wax figures? LOL…)

(Video) King Keraun & Simone Shepard Just WON The #MannequinChallenge

The #MannequinChallenge is taking over the internet, and we’ve seen some amazingly creative ones so far. After getting Destiny’s Child reuniting to do theirs yesterday, we thought it couldn’t get any better, but King Keraun just topped it! Comedians King Keraun and Simone Shepard used R. Kelly’s “Trapped In The Closet” series as inspiration, and the results are epic! Check it out below. Do you think we’ll be getting a part two soon?

(Video) NFL: LOL Dallas Cowboys Execs Totally Fail the #MannequinChallenge

The latest craze taking over social media is the #MannequinChallenge; everyone in the room stays perfectly still in a funny pose or doing an everyday activity while someone else records it.  The challenge has hit the NFL, and while Antonio Brown and his Steelers teammates nailed it, the Dallas Cowboys execs couldn’t quite get it right.

(Video) Okay, These Strippers Have Won The #MannequinChallenge

Everyone seems to be participating in the #MannequinChallenge. A new set of professionals have entered there bid to be the #MannequinChallenge champions. A group of strippers have uploaded a #MannequinChallenge that i’m certain a lot of people will claim as there favorite and because of this have gone viral. Check out the video after the jump.

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