(Photo) M.I.A. Switches Up Look For ROC Nation!

The eccentric M.I.A. switches up her regular look for a more daring one.  Did she change it up for her new ROC Nation family?  Hit the jump to see her hot new look! Steph Bassanini

Tech Talk Upgrade: Check Out @TOut’s NEW Look!!!

Now this post isn’t about explaining anything NEW except for the Look, If you need to know How to Work TOut, Just Hit this Link, But if you want to see how it got better 1st, Hit the Jump!!! +TatWZA

Tech Talk NEW: Gmail Has A Different Look!!!

As I’m Sure You are aware by now, but just incase I wanted you to know and see, there is a NEW look to Gmail, well at least when you sign in, but once you sign in, it’s back to business! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

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