(Photos) Enough Is Enough… Kylie Jenner’s Lips Are Starting To Look DISTURBING

Poor Kylie Jenner is only a teenager and is already living the life of a grown adult with real life problems. After the news broke this week of her Boo Tyga sending dirty texts and d*ck pics back and forth with a popular Transexual actress, Mia Isabella, Kylie seemed less than amused. Her MOMager, Kris Jenner, took her baby girl out for some mommy/daughter QT to help her forget her man is texting a chick with a penis. Kris snapped a picture of Kylie and her self with a caption that reads:

Date Night with my angel girl @kyliejenner !!! #blessed #grateful #loveofmylife

The internet had a field day with this picture in the comment section because Kylie’s lips are looking HIDEOUS. We’re not sure how many injections she’s getting.. per hour or whatever… but.. no. Check out what the fuss is about in the gallery!

(Video) Kim Kardashian Reveals The Reason Behind Kylie Jenner’s Lip Injections At Only 17-Years-Old!

For the longest, 17-year-old Kylie Jenner has been denying the fact that she got any type of fillers in her lips, which out of nowhere looked crazy plump and full. She was saying it was simply “very good lip-lining” and just the proper use of her make-up, giving that crazy illusion of these big, beautiful lips. However, she finally cracked recently and admitted to having work done on her big puckers. Her big sister, Kim Kardashian, recently gave a heart-felt interview where she broke-down the real reasoning behind Kylie’s insecurities and lip fillers. “I saw how for so many years she was so insecure about it. I mean, at 10 years old, she would say to me, ‘How come my lips aren’t big like you guys’?’ And I would see this insecurity… For me, I gave her advice and I still stand by that advice. I think it changed her confidence so much,” says Kim. It’s all making a little bit more sense because everyone has their specific insecurities and if you have the money to fix it and feel better about yourself, by all means– go ahead! I’m sure it’s tough shoes to fill being the little sister of Kim, who is one of the most beautiful women on the planet. Do you think Kylie is too young to be getting work done? Check out the video & sound off below.

(Fellas Check The Pics) Khloe Kardashian Puckers Up Her Big Juicy Lips!

Khloe Kardashian has the social media world talking yet again after she posted a lusty flick with her luscious lips on display. Twitter is referring to them as “DSL” (and we ALL know what that stands for). Do we think Khloe got some injections in them bad boys? Check out Khloe’s lips over in the gallery.

(Photos) The Truth Is Revealed: Kylie Jenner Is Spotted With NO Make-Up On… Are Her Lips Still Huge?!

…And the Kylie Jenner lip saga continues. The Keeping Up With The Kardashians star has been under fire recently after she appeared out of nowhere with these huge lips. She’s been swearing up and down that it’s just lip liner that makes them look extra plump and that she did not have ANY surgery or enhancements done. WELP, she got pulled over for being a bad driver and Kylie was spotted with no make-up on. See what her “luscious lips” looked like make-up free in the gallery!

Kylie Jenner’s Lips Inspired Tyga To Write A Song About Them!

Tyga keeps denying that he’s dating Kylie, but we don’t believe him! Read more after the jump…

Kylie Jenner Addresses Fake Lip Rumors: “I’m Bored”

Kylie Jenner’s lips have been the topic of convo for a while now, after they went from nothing to EVERYTHING over night. Recent no-makeup photos seemed to show that it was simply the magic of makeup, but the above photo shows that it’s at least some sort of plumping effect going on, if even just temporarily. I need to know what this girl is using! Check out her response to the rumors in the gallery.

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