Eric Wright Jr. a.k.a Eazy-E’s son revealed his reaction to seeing his father’s virtual performance in San Bernadno, CA while he hit the Rock The Bells Stage, Hit the jump for more detail!
Eric Wright Jr. a.k.a Eazy-E’s son revealed his reaction to seeing his father’s virtual performance in San Bernadno, CA while he hit the Rock The Bells Stage, Hit the jump for more detail!
Many people are outraged about the upcoming Eazy-E hologram, but not his son! Lil Eazy is not only really excited about the hologram appearance, but also plans on having a party to celebrate the occasion. Lil E thinks the Rock the Bells holgram will be a great way to honor his dad, especially since it will be taking place on what would have been his 50th birthday. Lil E hasn’t announce whether or not he will be onstage during the performance. More below.