(Video) Ferguson Protestors Blast Al Sharpton for DC March

Ferguson Protestors Blast Al Sharpton for DC March, While #MillionsMarchNYC successfully brought over 50,000 protestors together for Ferguson and the #BlackLivesMatter movement this weekend, little word came out of the Washington DC march that happened on the same day, until now. Ferguson Protestors Blast Al Sharpton and his National Action Network (NAN), the face and organizers of the DC march, after they reportedly cut off the mics while Ferguson youth who’ve been leading the protests “from the beginning” were speaking. Twitter immediately blew up, going on to cite more DC march incidents including a questionable “VIP” section at the march, as well as the problem of “leaders” in what’s now a new generation of resistance.

Gov. Chris Christie: I Didn´t Vote For Obama, He Doesn´t Lead

During a visit Friday to a Republican stronghold for one of his regular town hall meetings, the governor went out of his way to put some distance between himself and the Democratic president. Hit the jump to see what else Gov. Christie said.

NBA: Durant Cites What Player He Looks Up To & Who Helped Him Become a Leader

Kevin Durant was interviewed by HOOPSWORLD after Josh Howard’s charity game.  He answered a variety of questions about the game and the lockout.  He mentioned two key players, one he looks up to and one who helped him become a leader.  Check out what he had to say after the jump. @Shay_Marie x @gametimegirl

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