Life seems to be getting better and better for Chris Brown ever since baby Royalty came into his life and this is just another plus to add to the list! Last year, a man named Malcolm Ausbon claimed that Breezy and three of his goonies beat him down on the basketball court at a 24-hour LA Fitness in Los Angeles. After tons of back-and-forth, Brown was able to settle the whole situation by cutting a check. However, Ausbon isn’t going to be able to quit his day job and move to Aruba off the money like he originally thought. In the beginning, Ausbon was fighting to get at least $250,000 for his pain and suffering but according to sources, he got WAY less– something in the 4 figure range. Breezy just wanted Ausbon to “go away,” so we shall see if it works. The actual amount of the settlement cannot be revealed due to the terms and conditions, but we’re guessing he got such a small amount because he tried to blackmail Chris instead of handling it like a man. WELP! Another win for Chris Brown. Hopefully now he can stay out of trouble and get his life on track for his daughter once and for all.