NFL: WOW.. Former 49ers Player Comes Out Of The Closet

Kwame Harris, who played offensive line for the San Francisco 49ers from 2003-2009 has come out of the closet to let the world know he was a gay athlete. If you know who he is at all, the fact that he is now saying he is gay is actually not a big surprise. Even though he is a big guy, he always seemed and looked kind of feminine. It is interesting he decided to come out now because there have been serious rumors this past week, that a CURRENT player in the NFL is really considering coming out and letting the players and fans know he is gay. I am a very open minded person. Just because someone is gay doesn’t mean anything. If that best player on your favorite team turns out to be gay are you going to treat him different? That would be idiotic. Read more after the jump to see what Kwame said.

(Mug Shot) NFL: HUH?! Ex-49er Reportedly Beat Up Ex-Boyfriend Over Soy Sauce & Underwear!!

No, that headline is not a joke.  That’s real.  It’s amazing some of the things couples get into it over. Soy sauce tho? SMH.  I can’t make this up. Check out the report after the jump…

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