Off-Duty Black Officers Harassed By White Cops.Racism in America has been the main topic on the news,social media,and television. The Eric Garner killing in Staten island is one of the most recent incidents that’s been plastered all over every platform. People like Eric Garner and Mike brown aren’t the only types of people who experience racial profiling or police brutality. Research was conducted by Reuters. Twenty five African-American male officers, including 15 who were retired were interviewed. All but one reported that when off duty and out of uniform, they had been victims of racial profiling and violence — a 96% rate in this case. Details below
(Video) CNN’s Don Lemon: National Guard Soldier Used N-Word In #Ferguson
It’s a shame. Racism in 2014 is still prevalent. CNN journalist, Don Lemon, shared a story from one of the show’s producers about a national guard solider using a racist remark in Ferguson, M.O., during a segment on last nights (August 19th) show.