(Photos) Jim Carrey Can’t Promote New Film Because Of WHAT??

Jim Carrey is finally back in theaters starring in a very entertaining sequel to Kick Ass. But, he recently stated that he feels uncomfortable promoting the film. So uncomfortable that he has chosen to NOT self promote. Shocking. HE claims that the violence is too much for him to stand behind. Check what he and co-star John Leguizamo have to say about this.

This Comedian/Actor Is In Some Trouble Now For His Stand On Gun-Control

This funny guy made a mockery out of the people who are against gun-control. Jim Carrey puts on a show for funnyordie.com where he pretends to be Charlton Heston on an episode of ‘He-Haw’ and shoots down the fools. The comedian is getting backlash from conservative groups and media (including Fox News) for calling anti gun-control supporters, “”heartless motherf***ers unwilling to bend for the safety of our kids.” Drop down bottom and get a glimpse of Jim Carrey as Lonesome Earl & the Clutterbusters down bottom.

(Video + Photos) Steve Carrell & Jim Carrey At SXSW Movie Release!!!

Jim Carrey has recently come out of hibernation to star alongside Steve Carrell and Olivia Wilde in ‘The Incredible Burt Wonderstone’, which was released at SXSW this weekend. The movie’s description is “Las Vegas magician Burt Wonderstone (Carrell) as he attempts to reunite with his former partner Anton Marvelton (Steve Buscemi) to take on dangerous street magician Steve Gray (Carrey).” Sounds like wherever there is a combination of Steve Carrell and Jim Carrey, the movie has to be hilarious. Check out the pictures of the movie release party and a video of the trailer for the movie after the jump.

(Fellas Check The Pics!) Who’s This Hot Chick With Jim Carrey?! Got Her Cheeks Hanging Out Of Her Bikini..

Jim Carrey’s new girl letting her cheeks hang.. check it out after the jump. Biz Baby

(Photos) Jim Carrey Graffiti’s His Own Home!!

Jim Carrey must have been feeling a little creative over the weekend and decided to graffiti the side of his NY home. It’s actually pretty dope but…what an odd thing to do! LOL check out the pics after the jump. Marisa Mendez

*Alert* Don’t GO TO The MOVIES Without SEEing This 1st!!!! 6/17/11

Read this Post Before you even think about going to the Movies this Weekend!!!! 6/17/11 Tat WZA

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