A Professor’s Awful Joke Gets Him Suspended.

After the Colorado movie theatre shootings this summer, people have become a little weary about going to the movie theatre. And for good reasoning. Thinking that a joke about the shootings would bring laughter to his students, professor Gregory F. Sullivan did the exact opposite. Instead, his insensitive joke opened a healing wound for one of his students who actually lost his father back on July 20th when James Holmes opened fire. Read more below. FunkFlex

James Holmes: Received A’s But 2nd Rate Student.

James Holmes, the shooter of the horrific massacre at the midnight screening of “The Dark Knight Rises” in Colorado has been identified as a second rate student. Newly obtained documents for the mass murderer show a disconnect between a student who had academic excellence but did not translate over to the real world. Click below to read more. Jason J.

Dark Knight Shooter’s Psychiatrist Had Reported Threat Team About James Holmes Way Before The Shooting!

It’s so sad that this is a tragedy that could have been prevented. Aside from the murder diary James had sent his psychiatrist at his university just before the shootings that went unopened until afterward because it sat in the mail room, it has also been revealed that this same psychiatrist had warned the threat team about James over a month prior to the massacre! Unfortunately, James dropped out of the school three days after she shared her thoughts with the team. Regardless, I still think they could have done something more to prevent this! His home address is on file! More details below. Marisa Mendez

(Graphic Photo) Dark Knight Massacre Victim Shows Off Her Wounds; Says James Holmes Needs The Death Penalty

Another victim of the Dark Knight shooting has spoken out, and she wants James Holmes to receive the death penalty. 22-year-old Carli Richards was shot by James with a shotgun during the Aurora attack, but thankfully she and her boyfriend both survived…not without injuries, however. Carli is still out of work because of the pain, and she wants James to feel EXACTLY what she felt. Details below. Marisa Mendez

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