Tech Talk Jailbreak: SIRI On iPad???

So Not only does the 4S Have SIRI(Best platform), and the 4 has it(After Jailbreaking), BUT Now iPad 1 Has Siri(again After Jailbreaking), Yes iPd 1, Not 2!! Hit the Jump on details. WZA on Google+

Tech Talk App: Facebook For iPad!!!

A while back Mark Zuckerberg mad a comment that seemed to be a stab at Apple at the time, he said “iPad isn’t Mobile”, Now the reason he said this was because he was asked “is Facebook gonna have an iPad App?”. I don’t think that was a stab, I think he was saying the iPad can do what most mobile devices can not, but due to overwhelmingly demand, Facebook has dropped an iPad App(Officially UnOfficial)! Hit the Jump to check it Out!! Tat WZA

Tech Talk Unlock: iPad 2 Gets Official Jailbreak!!!

Well as official as a Jailbreak can be, iPad 2s running iOS 4.3.3 can be broken out of it’s AT&T/Verizon Jail, just head past the Jump for instructions!!! Tat WZA

Tech Talk: Jailbreak For iPad 2 Available??

There are tools available to break virtually every device running iOS, from the iPhone and iPod touch to the Apple TV2. But up until recently there was no way to jailbreak an iPad 2 tablet, but now there seems to a solution with a  beta version of JailbreakMe 3.0 circulating around the net. @Yungjohnnybravo @TatWZA

Tech Talk Unlocked: World’s 1st Jailbreak Convention!!!!

My Great Fest is the world’s 1st(and prob only) convention about iDevices being jailbroken, to bring light to the fact that it’s So Not a bad thing!! Hit the Jump for Details! Tat WZA

A Better Jailbreak Backup!!!

PkgBackup is a fully-automated backup and restore option to bring back all your jailbreak apps, hacks, and extensions with just a few taps…See Details. @TatWza

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