Tech Talk Hacking: More Hackers Snatched Up In The UK

It’s getting real in the UK. Major investigations are occurring they are shuting down hackers operations. Two more hackers have been arrested associated with Lulz Security, a spin off of Anonymous. Check out the full story of the arrests after the jump. Tat WZA WZA on Google+ X @ShottaDru

T.I. Sent Back to Prison!!

Last night it was reported Tip had violated the terms of the halfway house he was sent to following his release from prison and had been sent to another halfway house…but now it looks as if he’s actually back behind bars! It’s so unfortunate because he really didn’t do anything wrong! Just a little confusion and miscommunication and they’re trying to set him ack already. SMH such a shame. Details of what went down after the jump. Marisa Mendez

Tech Talk News: Hacker Sentenced To Jail For “Sextortion”

I was taught to really get a woman you need to control her mind. But Luis Mijangos found it easier to just control her computer. By hacking into females computers he stole information and used it for blackmail to get other things out of them. Check out how Mijangos controlled lives with the computer after the jump. Tat WZA WZA on Google+ X @ShottaDru

Tech Talk School: Suspended Teacher Returns To Work After Cruel Blog Posts

Looks like Natalie Munroe won in this situation. We know how social networks and blog posts can get you in trouble, even end you up in jail. Back in February Munroe was suspended for some raunchy blog posts and she returned to work this week. Check out what Munroe posted about her students after the jump. Tat WZA WZA on Google+ X @ShottaDru

(Photo) First Photo of T.I. Since His Prison Release

Tip was released from a 10 month bid earlier today, but he still has to ride out in the halfway house for another month before he’s completely free. According to TMZ, T.I. rolled over to the ATL halfway house in style. Apparently he “made the trek from an Arkansas prison in a suped-up tour bus, accompanied by a 4-car motorcade.” Swag. Check out what he was rocking after the jump. Marisa Mendez

Tech Talk News: Jail Time Because Of Facebook Posts???

Nothing cool about being in jail. Think it would be even worse if you told your cell mates that you are doing time because of a Facebook posts. Well that is definitely the wave in 2011, getting arrested for Facebook posts. Hit the jump and check out some Facebook posts which could end you up in the big house. Tat WZA WZA on Google+ X @ShottaDru

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