BREAKING NEWS: Gucci Man Headed Back to Prison AGAIN

Remember when we all laughed when we heard Gucci pushed a woman out of a moving vehicle this past Spring? Well, Gucci certainly isn’t laughing now. The troubled rapper has plead guilty to battery and will serve 6 more months in jail, after just being released 2 months ago. He also will have to pay a $3000 fine and restitution to the victim. SMH really hope this guy can get it together! Marisa Mendez

*Updated* (Audio) MLB: Manny Ramirez Released From Jail, Listen To Wife Make 911 Call

Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl Former World Series MVP Manny Ramirez was released from jail Tuesday after authorities arrested him for allegedly slapping his wife during a dispute at their South Florida home. Ramirez was released from the Broward County Jail on $2,500 bail on the domestic battery charge. Broward Circuit Judge Jon Hurley ordered that he have no direct contact with his wife. (Listen to the 911 call after the jump)

T.I.’s Wife Tiny Says the Reason He’s Back in Jail is Solely Because the Cops Have a “Personal Vendetta” Against Him

T.I.’s ride or die has spoken out once again on the case surrounding her hubby, and she tells TMZ she feels prison officials are trying to make an example out of her husband by dragging him back to prison, targeting him simply because he’s a famous rapper. I definitely agree with this! Read more below. Marisa Mendez

Official Reason Cited for Why T.I. Was Sent Back to Prison

I really can’t believe the way they did T.I. And their official “reason” as to why he was sent back to prison after an early release to the halfway house seems like a bunch of BS to me! Details below on what really went down. Marisa Mendez

Man Thrown In Jail For Overdue Library Books

Jail time for library books not enough crime out there i guess. Christopher Anspach, a 28-year-old Iowa man was sentenced to 10 days in jail Wednesday for failing to return overdue library books. Hit the jump to read the rest of the story. @WiL

NFL: Bengals RB Cedric Benson Released From Jail!

Cincinnati Bengals running back Cedric Benson has been released from a Texas jail after serving five days of a 20-day sentence for misdemeanor assault.  Read more after the jump. @Shay_Marie x @gametimegirl

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