Tech Talk News: Check Out Korea’s Newest Prison Guards!!

This could really make escaping difficult. Check out the new guards being used by Korea after the jump. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Ja Rule Pens “Journal Entry” From Jail

Rule is currently doing a bid at an NY penitentiary and to pass the time and stay in touch with his fans, he’s decided to write a monthly journal entry for the interwebs. Check out his first one below. Marisa Mendez

NFL: Suspended Packers DL Johnny Jolly Sentenced To 6 Years in Prison

Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl Suspended Green Bay Packers defensive lineman Johnny Jolly has been sentenced to six years in prison for violating the terms of his probation on a drug charge. Judge Denise Bradley sentenced the player Thursday despite his tearful plea for another chance.

Freed Inmate Turns Himself in After Learning He Was Only Released Because of a Computer Glitch!!

Wow– check out that face of pure honesty folks!! An inmate from a Florida jail turned himself back into jail when he realized he was only released because of a computer glitch! Full story after the jump! Wendy L.

Drunk Pilot Receives 6 Months In Prison

A United Express pilot who was caught flying a plane while drunk has received only six months in prison. After the six months of jail, Aaron Jason Cope of Norfolk, Va., will also be serving six months of house arrest and two years of supervised release. Read more about the incident after the jump. Julie1205

(Photos) Lindsay Lohan’s Probation Progress Report Revealed (Fellas Check the NSFW Pic!!)

While in court today, Lindsay admitted she violated her probation by not attending therapy sessions as required by the court, and by getting kicked out of the Downtown Women’s Center and she ended up getting sent to jail for a 30 day sentence (although she’ll only be serving about 6 whopping minutes of it). Check out the shotty progress report and a Lindsay see-thru shirt pic below.

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