Tech Talk Crime: Download A File, SOCA Will Give You 10 Years In Jail!!!

I rather be caught with a little weed compared to illegally download music now. SOCA, UK’s Serious Organized Crime Agency is handing out dimes just for downloading music. Hit the jump for the full story. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru

(Photo) Yikes! Check Out Teen Mom’s Amber Portwood In Her Prison Uniform

Amber Portwood has been behind bars for a few months after violating her parole by being arrested for drug possession and failing to provide a urine sample for her parole officer. Today, a judge approved a deal struck by Amber’s lawyers that allows her to avoid a 5-year prison sentence by completing a court-mandated drug rehabilitation program. Check out how horrible she looked in court today below. Maybe she should just stay out of trouble and worry about her child! SMH! Marisa Mendez

Ja Rule Says Jail Is “Amazing” & That He’s In There “Networking”

Ummm….yea, I’m going to leave my comments to myself on this one. Oh, if you want to know who he’s networking with…a few cons named “Hevey D” and “Koz.” Always good to know some cons, right? SMH! Read the full interview with NY Daily News below. Marisa Mendez

‘So You Think You Can Dance’ Choreographer Sentenced To 10 Years In Prison For Rape

Alex Da Silva, a former choreographer on the hit show “Show You Think You Can Dance,” was sentenced to 10 years in prison for rape. Da Silva was arrested back in 2009 for raping a former dance camp student and assaulting another. He was convicted of one rape charge and one attempted rape charge dispite four women saying he raped them. Read more after the jump. Julie1205

(Video) Mr. Ghetto – Jailhouse Bounce (HILARIOUS!)

This video is hysterical. The anthem for all those locked up. Hit the jump. @TatWZA

‘Mad Maks’ Gets 200 Years For Killing 4 People In Brooklyn

A sick smile creased the face of multiple murderer Maksim Gelman after Brooklyn Judge Vincent DelGiudice sentenced him to rot in jail for the rest of his miserable life for a bloody killing spree last February that left four New Yorkers dead. Click below to read the rest. @WiLMajor

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