NFL: Jerome Simpson Sentenced To 15 Days In Jail, 3 Years Probation & Fined

Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl A Kentucky judge has sentenced Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver Jerome Simpson to 15 days in jail and three years’ probation for a drug-related charge.

MLB: Killer of Atlanta Braves Pitcher Released From Jail 10 Years Early

Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl The widow of an Atlanta Braves pitcher who was gunned down in a 1995 robbery is outraged that her husband’s killer was released from prison 10 years early.

Tech Talk Crime: Can Law Enforcement Retrive Deleted Files/Texts Off Of Smartphones??

This is crazy. There are devices which can restore deleted information on your phone. Only thing is its for “official” use only. Don’t write anything incriminating on your smartphone, you snitching on yourself. Hit the jump for more info. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Kat Stacks Admits She Lied About Soulja Boy!!

SMH: Not only is Kat Stacks tweeting from behind bars, but she’s coming clean about everything. If you don’t remember, a little over a year ago Kat tried to frame rapper Soulja Boy as a cocaine addict and it was a media FRENZY. Well now she’s admitting to lying about the whole situation. See what she had to say after the jump! Wendy L.

Harry Potter Star Gets Sentenced To 2 Years In Prison For London Riots

Young actor Jamie Waylett, who played Vincent Crabbe in the “Harry Potter” movies, was sentenced earlier today to 2 years for participating in the London riots last year. That seems very drastic to me! He’s only 22! Get the details below. Marisa Mendez

George Clooney Bailed Out Of Jail For $100

After only a few hours, George Clooney and his father were bailed out of jail in one of the cheapest celebrity bailouts ever! But then again, they really weren’t doing anything wrong. More details after the jump! Wendy L.

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