Tim Tebow’s name has been mentioned enough times in the past 12 months to literally make me sick to my stomach. It is at the point anytime I hear his name I mute the TV and I contemplate if I would be better off dead rather than alive and listen to more coverage of him. Well this could be the beginning of the end. In the NFL at least. I do not dislike Tebow as a person, but it is extremely obvious he is NOT a quarterback in the NFL. Another position maybe because he is a hard worker, but QB just is not his future. Last year when he came to the Jets, only New York and Jacksonville were interested in him. Literally no other teams even considered having him come in. Jacksonville only really wanted him to help sell tickets because he is from the area and is still a big star in Florida. But the Jags just hired a new General Manager yesterday who was quoted as saying “I can’t imagine a scenario where he would be a Jacksonville Jaguar”, referring to Tebow. We all know he is going to be released by the Jets at some point this offseason. His only other option has now been removed so this may finally be it for Tebow. Next time you see him playing football it might be in Canada, or in a semi-pro league near you. IamJOE357