Tech Talk News: At&t Blames Apple For Bad 3rd Quarter

At&t just announced their 3rd quarter and according to the mobile company the numbers weren’t that great.  Now not to put blame on anyone but At&t blames Apple for the bad numbers. They say that due to lack of iPhone 5’s on shelves and high demand customers may have gone else where to get their iPhone 5 fix.  Not sure why At&t would blame Apple since the cellular company also cell other mobile devices that aren’t Apple. At&t relied too much Apple for customers which may have caused the issue. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Tech Talk Contest: Tune Into Hot 97 For Your Chance To Win An iPhone 5 Or Galaxy SIII

Starting next week Hot 97 will be giving listeners the chance to win an iPhone 5 or Samsung Galaxy SIII.  Tune into Hot 97  next week starting  at 8Am with Cipha Sounds, Rosenberg & K Foxx in the morning. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Tech Talk Video: SNL’s iPhone 5 Skit

Over the weekend SNL had a skit  involving the iPhone 5 and pretty much told us not to take everything so serious. Not to take our obsession with our devices out of control.  I’ve personally gotten into the Android vs iPhone battles. The skit let us know the iPhone 5 is just a phone and nothing else. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Tech Talk News: Developers Warned Apple About It’s Maps

Developers told Apple that their maps were’nt ready for the public or proper use, but in a hurry Apple still released the awful map apps.  Even the developers said the maps were “shockingly bad”.  And as we all know the release of the maps were so bad Apple CEO Tim Cook had to apologize to iPhone users. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Tech Talk News: Steve Wozniak Thinks Apple Has Lost its Edge And Became ‘Arrogant’

Apple Co-founder Steve Wozniak let his feelings out about Apple and how he feels about the iPhone 5.  Wozniak feels Apple doesn’t have a clue, and that well Apple has become arrogant.  I guess the guy can give Apple some criticism since its the company he helped build.  As a none iPhone 5 user myself I thought the same thing, the iPhone 5 was just a retooled 4s which was a retooled 4. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Tech Talk News: iPhone 5 Supplies Low Because of Quality Control

Wonder why your iPhone 5 hasn’t hit your doorstep yet? Well according to rumors Apple has a quality control issue when it comes to the devices.  Sources are stating that the device scratches rather easily so Apple is being selective on the devices hitting shelves and being shipped. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

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