Tech Talk Device: Another iPhone Goes Up In Flames Randomly!!

Holy smokes iPhone! (Robin voice). iPhones just offing themselves left and right out here. Check out yet another smoking iPhone after the jump. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

(Video) Tech Talk Device: Siri Dictation Ready For iPhone 4!!!

Yeah its real folks only thing is your device has to be jailbroken. Check out the details after the jump. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Tech Talk News: An iPhone 4 Catches Fire For No Reason!!!

On a Local Australian flight a passenger got way more that asked 4 from Siri, He asked it for the temperature and it caught FIRE!!! LOL, ok that didn’t happen, but a passengers iPhone 4(No S) did catch fire on a local Australian flight, and there’s a photo after the Jump to prove it!!! +TatWZA

(Video) Tech Talk Gadgets: Samsung Gets At #Teamiphone In Their New Ad!!

Real “cute” ad from Samsung. Cleaver shots fired at iPhone users like myself with all the still buggy iOS 5 and battery issues of the iPhone 4S. Check out the ad after the jump. Would it influence you to switch? WZA on Google+ X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Tech Talk Gaming: Infinity Blade 2 Is On Its Way To Your iOS Device!!

I copped Infinity Blade part one and it is hot. Cool story and gameplay, plenty of replay value and crazy graphics for your iPhone and/or iPad. I think Part one is one sale right now in the App Store so take advantage of that and peep the details for part 2 after the jump. WZA on Google+ X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Tech Talk Case: Turn iPhone Into A Kaleidoscope???

Such Pretty colors!!! There is a Case that Fits on the iPhone 4 or 4S will make your iPhone an old school toy that every kid should play with, not just what your parents had(back in the day). Hit the Jump! +TatWZA

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