I know who you’re thinking it is, but I don’t know if you really know who it is, Hit the Jump! WZA on Google+
I know who you’re thinking it is, but I don’t know if you really know who it is, Hit the Jump! WZA on Google+
So Not only does the 4S Have SIRI(Best platform), and the 4 has it(After Jailbreaking), BUT Now iPad 1 Has Siri(again After Jailbreaking), Yes iPd 1, Not 2!! Hit the Jump on details. WZA on Google+
This is concerning for those who leave their iPads around, or IF you loose it, You could have a big problem, and I’m not talking loosing your contacts(Cause the Cloud has already fixed that), I’m talking getting into your contacts from a locked screen, Not Clean!! Hit the Jump! WZA on Google+
 I mean it’s Def a great start to an iOS World, I mean all the NEW 4S users keep telling how great it is, “The Tweet function is in everything, I can Tweet my email!” That is Crazy!! So it makes sense the sales were strong this weekend, Hit the Jump to see exactly How strong after the Jump!! WZA on Google+
Actually in a way yes, Firemint, the creator of “Real Racing 2” is exploring the option, and if it works out the way it’s suppose to, it could bring multiplayer(with airplay) to other game!! Hit the Jump to see how the ‘experiment’ is working out!! WZA on Google+
Ok This is the Info that may get you off the fence one way or the other, Pricing for the 3 different Carriers the iPhone 4S will be on, just Hit the Jump!!! WZA on Google+