(Video) Dope!! Is XTouch The Future Of iOS Apps?!

I believe the mass public would enjoy this to every extent, and would def get even more iOS devices in the world!!

(Video) Is Google Taking Charge Of The ‘Wearable’ Market?!

If you don’t really know, ‘Wearable Tech’ is the Wave coming that will be the ‘it’ devices, so think the popularity of iPhone across many devices that you wear somewhere on your body…ie Google Glass, Galaxy Gear, Pebble Smartwatch, the alleged Apple iWatch, etc etc.

(Video) With Flappy Bird Dead In Stores, Is “Ironpants” A Good Replacement?!?

Flappy Bird is indeed gone from The App Store, but I do still see it in Google play, I’m sure that’s because Google Play is always just a step behind The App Store. So what do we do now, how can we fill up those hours we have learned to waist playing Flappy Bird?? Well don’t fret, I’ve found a similar game to take up that train ride time, “Ironpant”!!

WTF!! Flappy Bird Coming Out Of App Stores?! Better Get It Now!!!

A peculiar twist on the maddening game ‘Flappy Bird‘, as the dev announced just 4 hours ago he ‘couldn’t take it anymore’, and would be removing the #1 game in both major app stores(iOS’s App Store and Android’s Google Play) by tomorrow.

(Photo/Video) Vibease And The Down App Are The Evolution Of #SEXTECH?!

I was fortunate enough to get invited down to the monthly New York Tech Meetup, Thank You to Yevgene from Capti(a new App the does text to speech on ANYTHING), but at this meetup, something very interesting happened at the end, Sextech got into the conversation!

(Video) Here’s How You Can Get To Higher Levels On Flappy Bird!!!

The new app that been the main cause of cracked iphones across the nation is Flappy Bird. This game is truly one of the hardest games I played in a while and I refuse to believe that I am that bad on a game so easy! Well if you’re tired of getting a score of 2, heres the secret to beating the game! Check the video after the jump.

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