(Video *NSFW*) CAUGHT ON TAPE: Jason Russell, KONY 2012 Founder, Goes On A Naked Rampage In Broad Daylight!!

Oh lordie — as if it couldn’t get any worse!! Earlier today, we reported that the KONY founder Jason Russell had been arrested for public nudity . Well a security camera actually caught the footage and naturally, TMZ got their hands on it. Check out Mr. Russell going on a wild and naked rampage in broad daylight after the jump! Wendy L.

Rihanna Steps Up & Gets Behind #KONY2012 Campaign

It’s great to see celebs get involved in important causes! Yesterday we told you about the Invisible Children organization, a group aimed at stopping Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony. Rihanna was so touched by the video she saw, she reached out to the group and wants to help further. Details below. Marisa Mendez

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