What Was Cause Of Death For 23 Children In India??

Last week 23 school children in India, had experienced stomach cramps and severe convulsions moments after eating the school lunch that is given daily. The cause of death? Deadly Pesticide. Read more after jump

(*Graphic*Photos*) 22 Kids Died In India After THIS??

School lunch attacks again. Immediately after having lunch at a school in India, dozens of children became ill. And, unfortunately, 22 of them have died. The lunches that were responsible for the deaths happen to be part of a program that gives poor Indian students at least one hot meal a day. Find out what they were tainted with after the jump.

So Sad!! Flooding Kills Hundreds In Northern India.

Flash floods and landslides in northern India have killed at least 1,000 people in the Himalayan state of Uttarakhand in the past week, an official said Saturday, and with thousands missing or stranded the toll is expected to rise. Hit the Jump.

(Video) Iggy Azelea Talks About Her New Video ‘Bounce’ !!!

Recently, Iggy Azalea went to India to shoot the video for her latest single ‘Bounce’. Check out her experience in India right after the jump.

WTF! 5-Year-Old Raped For 40 Hours In India?!?

This is just sick! A 22-year-old man is accused of raping a 5-year-old repeatedly in a rented room in India, which has the public in constant riots. There are no real rape laws in India, and cases can take up to 15 years to be brought to trial, so this guy might just be strolling the streets. Men like him are not safe to the public. Check out the full story after the jump.

(Photo) Interesting! Engineers Create Anti-Rape Lingerie

3 engineers in India have created lingerie to keep women safe from rapists. The undergarments contain electroshock and come equipped with GPS, pressure sensors and an alert system. So if a woman wearing this gets attacked, the clothing will shock the attacker (up to 82 times) and then send an alert to both parents and police. The product, dubbed SHE (for Society Harnessing Equipment), will be ready for mass production sometime this month. How dope is that?

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