Since Apple released the new iOS 7 on September 18th, users have been having issues with iMessage. The company said they have been receiving complaints of iMessages not going through.
Since Apple released the new iOS 7 on September 18th, users have been having issues with iMessage. The company said they have been receiving complaints of iMessages not going through.
It seems as though Android is the ‘on the low King of Malware/mobile virus’. I’ve been watching this the last couple of days and it’s getting a lot of circulation, so it’s time for a stern ‘WARNING’ *Dj Camilo Voice*
A bug has been spotted in iMessage this week that makes certain words disappear. Phases like “I Can be the next Obama” and “The best prize is a surprise”, when sent without a period at the end.
Did you expecrince any problems with iMessage or Facetime yesterday?? Well some customers who upgraded their Macs to OSX 10.6.6 and customers with some idevices had some problems. The problem lasted some 5 hours. Apple didnt give any statements on why iMessage or Facetime were down but they fixed the situation in a timely manner. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA
When Apple introduced their iMessage At&t said that it would cut into At&t’s text message revenue. Everyone thought At&t was being greedy, but it looks like they were right. A new study done says that this year though 3 quarters texting has dipped 2%. With iMessage, Facebook Messager and Kik smartphone users have found loopholes to send text messages. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA
LOVE IT!!!! I know I say that at least once a week, But at least once a week I really LOVE something, and it’s about that time!!! I use iMessage All the time to communicate with my iOS peoples, But since I am waiting for the next gen iPhone, I am only rocking an iPod(via mobile WiFi, Clear to be exact) But really when I’m blogging I have to always keep checking the pod to see who’s said what, But NOW, I can just tuned to my Macbook. Hit the Jump. Follow @TatWza +TatWZA