WOAH DERE: Naya Rivera Says Showering Everyday Is A “White People Thing”

Former “Glee” actress and Big Sean’s former “IDFWU” inspired ex-fiancee Naya Rivera made quite the claim while she was a guest on The View. She went on to say how showering everyday is a “white people thing” and that people of more ethnic backgrounds do not shower as much as them (WHAT THE F*CK?!) When co-host Rosie O’Donnell goes into the audience and calls on an African-American women to hear what she has to say about the ridiculous comment, she quickly explains that she “showers every single day.” Naya quickly tried to save herself by saying her mother is a half black and half Puerto Rican women who also showers everyday. She further explained herself by going on to reveal her husband Ryan Dorsey, who is a white man, showers two-three times a day and she finds it weird. She says she always questions him why he feels the need to constantly clean himself. (Yeah, pretty lame attempt at fixing what she said.) How do you feel about Naya’s outlandish claim that white people shower more than people of ethnic backgrounds? Drop your comments below and feel free to SOUND OFF on this nonsense!

(Fellas Check The Videos) Is This The Most Important Detail To Date Rosa Acosta???

If you want to know how to get and keep Rosa Acosta, there is a simple matter of hygiene. Hit the jump and check out the video gallery.

Boy Forced To Shower By School Officials!

Parents are suing school employees because they forced their son to shower.  The employees claim that the young man had really bad hygiene.  Would you be mad your son had disgusting hygiene or more about him being forced to shower? Hit the jump for more details about this story in Texas. Steph Bassanini

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