Hundreds Gather At Rally For Tasered Graffiti Artist

Above shows the mother and sister of the 18-year-old graffiti artist who had his life abruptly taken away from him. Israel Hernandez died on Tuesday after being shocked by a stun gun by police. On Saturday, hundreds of supports gathered at the site where he was spray-painting.

One Source Linked To Hundreds Of Stomach Bug Outbreaks!!

The stomach bug-type illness going around that affected at least 285 people, has now affected over 400 people in 16 different states. So, what is the source that is directly responsible for these outbreaks in at least two states??

So Sad!! Flooding Kills Hundreds In Northern India.

Flash floods and landslides in northern India have killed at least 1,000 people in the Himalayan state of Uttarakhand in the past week, an official said Saturday, and with thousands missing or stranded the toll is expected to rise. Hit the Jump.

(Video) The HUNDREDS Presents: Bobby BottleService

The Hundreds newest promo there spring / summer line is to include a little bit of funny in their promo… why not put Bobby Bottle Service to work! Check out the Video after the jump! @DjJuanyto

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