(Video) How To Block Facebook Auto-Play Ads!!

Actually This has been coming for sometime, but now that thy have announced that it’s coming this week a good bit of people are quite upset, so let’s see how we can help!

Tech Talk Education: NEW Interactive Online Textbooks!!!!

A lot of companies are finally catching up with the Technology age and Education, Apple has something coming, and Kindle has some eTextbooks to grab, But there is a NEW kid on the block, with a different spin, they are allowing interactivity with their’s, Hit the Jump, watch the Video! +TatWZA

Tech Talk Mobile: Did RIM/Blackberry Make Another Bad Move???

Well this time I’m not sure, but I wanna say I don’t think So. Yesterday Adobe told the world they will no longer put out or support Flash for Mobile devices(And TV’s Too), mostly because HTML5 is the way the web is moving and there is really no need for Flash with HTML5, as it let’s devices view Video. This kinda puts all devices on an even playing field, But RIM does not want to even the playing field, They want the Advantage, They want to keep Flash on the Playbook! Hit the Jump for the statement. +TatWZA

Tech Talk App: Bing On iOS, & Android, But Not Windows 7???

I mean it’s a little Ass-Backwards, for Microsoft to have A Bing App on iOS Devices, and Android Devices, but NOT Windows 7 Devices, But I think I get it, and You’ll have to hit the Jump to know what I think!! +TatWZA

Tech Talk App: Nokia Working With Android And iOS???

Well they are definitely Putting there Map App in The Android Market Place, and iTunes App Store(who do you think will move more??), Hit the Jump to find out what you need to know!! WZA on Google+

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