I say just in case because photo tagging is not too much of an issue on FB or IG, so why would it be on twitter…other than those annoying ‘check out this music I think you’ll like although you won’t’
Confusing? not really… Especially when someone is giving you step-by-step instructions on how to do it. What is ‘it’ exactly? Anything you could think of! Snapguide, an app with user-submitted How To Guides, can help you make that pumpkin pie from scratch or change your oil, maybe even make a piece of mosaic glass. Snapguide leaves it to you to explore whatever it is you need. Download link after jump! Tat Wza
The FCC is all about security and protection of personal information. Required on almost all devices, manufacturers put settings into the phone that will allow you to customize certain securities of the device. Often times, users wouldn’t think twice about ‘Virus’ protection on a smart phone or tablet. Its almost not even considered a real threat, because of the exclusivity of the issue. Very rare, and unique how a mobile virus would find its way into your smartphone but it is possible. Security Checklist approved by FCC after the jump. Tat Wza
What has been optional for some time now, is coming to an inevitable end. Similar to when Facebook 86’d their old design, Twitter is ditching the old to make room for the new. Your twitter page use to be boring and dull [or not like Facebook?] so you now have a header to decorate. Hit the jump to find out when it’s all going down. Tat Wza
They say don’t judge a book by it’s cover, but if you’re actively reading Dr. Richard Jacob and Rev. Owen Thomas’ book Jenny wants to hear from you. The two authors penned the book entitled, “How to Live With a Huge Penis: Advice, Meditations, and Wisdom for Men Who Have too Much.” Hit the jump for more. PaulDaPro
Have multiple computers and devices running in your house? Well it is possible to share music between the devices on your network. Check out how after the jump. ShottaDru X TatWza