Woman Held Hostage for 2 Months Inside Home

The woman told police that her boyfriend, Eric Barney, held her hostage for two months, threatening to kill her and her family if she tried to break free. Hit the jump to read the rest of the story. Funk Flex Find Flex on Google+

U.S. Hikers In Iran Could Be Freed Soon

A senior Iranian diplomat says he expects two Americans held in Iran on espionage charges will be released “very soon.” Hit the jump to read the rest of the story. @WiL

Man Holds Daughters In Cages And Rapes Them For 41 Years

Gottfried Wagner is accused of holding his own daughters hostage and raping them for 41 years! The women who are 53 and 45 now have mental illnesses do to the years of abuse and lack of education and human presence. The daughters have told authorities that their mother, who passed away in 2008, also was victim to his abuse and nurses who came to take care of their mother saw what was happening and didn’t report anything! Read more details about the daughters after the jump. @Julie1205

Dad Held His Baby Boy Hostage With Knife

A man was arrested Tuesday after he held a knife to his crying baby boy who he had pulled from a Bronx apartment. “Drop the knife! Give us the baby!” security guards pleaded with Rivera. Hit the jump to read the rest of the story. @WiL

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