(Video) Those Ramen Noodles Could He Hazardous To Your Health – Ladies Especially!

I don’t know about you all, but this news is extremely disappointing to me! I love oodles n’ noodles – lol! Beyond the obvious, high salt intake, processed food type of thing, a new study from the Mayo Clinic is saying that the three for $1 snack increases the risk of metabolic syndrome for women, which can mean an increased risk of heart disease (among other things). Check out more on the study down bottom.

Woman Refuses To Leave Poisoned Home!

A woman from a town in Kansas refuses to leave her home even though it is hazardous. All of her neighbors have left, but Della Busby and her husband are the only ones left in the zinc and lead contaminated town of Treece.  Hit the jump! Steph Bassanini

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