I’m not even gonna lie, as much as I say it looks a little like Titan Fall, It does, but it Really doesn’t! It’s like the part in Titan Fall where they running around before ‘Your Titan Is Ready’, just WAAAAAAY More ‘Advanced’!!!!
I’m not even gonna lie, as much as I say it looks a little like Titan Fall, It does, but it Really doesn’t! It’s like the part in Titan Fall where they running around before ‘Your Titan Is Ready’, just WAAAAAAY More ‘Advanced’!!!!
Ha Ha, I find this interesting since the Homie’s @Godfree & Louis aka @SoldierX had this conversation a while back, PLEASE CHECK IT OUT, Because I have been saying this for a minute now, the Mobile gaming industry(casual gamers) is(are) hurting the Console Gaming Industry(Hardcore Gamers), and the real issue is, if these companies don’t see a certain amount of profit from the consoles, they may stop making them, leaving Hardcore gamers in the lurch, and the industry would probably follow the way of Sega, No Consoles, but Games, just games on mobile devices 0_o Hit the Jump. Tat WZA
I SO Enjoyed sitting down with @Godfree from @GamerTagRadio And @SoldierX From TalkingAboutGames.com to talk about how the Mobile space is impacting the Gaming Market, or what’s known as Hardcore Gamer Versus the Casual Gamer. You Must Hit the Jump!!!! Follow @TatWza +TatWZA