(Photo) Rihanna’s Style On Point! All Gold Everything!!

Hit the jump to see Rihanna rock an all gold everything look, from her kicks to her pants, to the little emblem on her Chanel bag! Melissa

(Photos) Dior Creates 24-Carat Gold Temporary Tattoos!

The latest in fashion is now the creation of 24-Carat gold temporary tattoos by Dior! Camille Miceli, Dior jewelry designer, created the latest invention which is available in sets. Some call it creative some call it a waste of money. How much do you ask to be exactly? Each set will be worth $120.00! Click below to get a sneek peep of what they will look like. Eloisa Melo

(Photo) Soulja Boy Showing Off His Huge Watch!

Hello Mr. nice watch! Hit the jump to see Soulja Boy’s new huge diamond and gold encrusted watch. I wonder how much it cost him… Melissa

Kicks: Nike x LeBron X – Red / Gold / Black Preview

check out this image of the LeBron X in a new Red / Gold / Black colorway which surfaced earlier today, with speculation on the back story ranging from an inline “away” colorway to a special championship pack colorway. What do you think of this new regal color scheme? Hit the jump to see the pics… DJJuanyto

Congrats! Rick Ross’ “God Forgives, I Don’t” Album Goes Gold

Congrats to Rick Ross! Having just released his latest effort God Forgives, I Don’t in July, it’s already been certified gold. Baw$e moves! Marisa Mendez

(Photo) Rick Ross Smoking That Good!

Looks like Rick Ross is truly living it up! Click below to see a photo of him decked out in gold while exhaling a little something… Melissa

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