(Video) DMX Finally Speaks On George Zimmerman Fight

With the nation in a buzz about the upcoming “Celebrity” bout between DMX and George Zimmerman, everyone has been giving their opinion but no one has heard from the Dog himself until now. X, flashing his brand drivers license, told Fox that the fight is not a done deal yet, and if Zimmerman is to make any money, it should all go to charity.

Boxing: Not About Size, The Game Got Turned Down To Fight George Zimmerman Because…

Sooooo it came down to money?!  SMH.  It was revealed that DMX will be stepping in the ring to fight George Zimmerman.  A lot of people are not happy that this fight is taking place, but if some had a choice they would have rather had The Game beat Zimmerman.  So why didn’t it happen?!  Game says Zimmerman is scared, but the promoter is saying something else.  I’m confused about this because I thought all money was going to charity — I didn’t think anyone was getting paid.  This really isn’t a good idea. SMH.  Hit the jump for details…

(Video) Boxing: Hot 97 Kicks “The Realness” — Why DMX/Zimmerman Fight Should NOT Happen!

My first reaction to DMX fighting George Zimmerman was excitement because I just wanted someone to BEAT his ass.  BUT since watching & listening to The Hot 97 Morning Show — I have since changed my mind.  I definitely didn’t think this thing all the way through and they brought up some VERY good points.  Check it out…

Boxing: The Game Reacts To George Zimmerman Fighting DMX

The Game made it clear that he wants to f*ck George Zimmerman up, but of course Zimmerman took the easier way out and decided to fight DMX in the ring.  So how does The Game feel about?!  Check out his reaction…

Boxing: Aww Man, Ref For DMX/Zimmerman Fight Announced!

The way people are protesting this fight, it doesn’t look like it’s going to really happen.  BUT if it does, guess who’s slated to ref it?!  Hit the jump to find out…

*Updated* Sports: It’s OFFICIAL! Guess Which Rapper Will Be Fighting George Zimmerman?!?!

George Zimmerman is about to get his ass beat!!  I would have liked to see The Game fight Zimmerman in the celebrity boxing match, but I’ll take this.  The fight is officially set. For those upset about the fight — I keep hearing people say they’re mad Zimmerman is being considered a celebrity.  That’s not who they are calling a celeb — I think it’s meant for who he’s fighting.  As far as making money off a murderer — the money is going to charity and there’s nothing we can change about the past.  Yes, it’s TERRIBLE that he got off — BUT at least now maybe he will get a good ass beating —  legally — without anyone else getting in trouble. Check out which rapper will take on Zimmerman in the ring for 3 rounds…

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