NFL: Bisexual NFL Player Offended Michael Sam Said Other Gay Players Aren’t Courageous Like Him

Michael Sam of course wouldn’t name names but he did let out a bombshell that there were plenty of gay men in the NFL and some of them were big stars.  Sam also said they weren’t as courageous as he is because they won’t tell the world that they’re gay.  Well one bisexual player says Sam doesn’t speak for the rest of them and he was offended by the comments.

NFL: Michael Sam Launches New Line of Merchandise to Support Him as a Gay NFL Player

Mizzou defensive end Michael Sam has entered the NFL Draft and when drafted he will become the first openly gay player in the NFL.  With that comes fame as he’s already gotten and what do you do with fame?  Cash in.

NFL: Michael Sam Wants to Be Known as a ‘Football Player’ Not the ‘Gay Football Player’

The NFL Draft combine is under way and one of the players being watched closely is Missouri defensive end Michael Sam.  He’s made headlines recently for coming out and revealing his sexual orientation.  Today during a press conference Sam made it clear he doesn’t want to be treated any differently.

NFL: Gay Former NFL Player Says He Felt The Safest Around His Teammates

One of those who will be participating in Sunday’s Pride Parade in Chicago is Wade Davis, a former NFL player. He had some interesting thoughts to add to the discussion of gay athletes.  Read more after the jump.

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