(Video) Trayvon Tribute: “Little Black Boy Wonder” High Profile All Black Cast!

Little Black Boy Wonder was written and produced by actor, Omar Hardwick. A dedication to the falling of, Trayvon Martin. The all black, male cast: Aaron D Spears, Affion Crockett, Bill Duke, Brian Dobbins, David Oweloyo, Eriq LaSalle, Gary Dourdan, Isaiah Roberts, Jay Ellis, Marlon Wayans, Mo McRae, Omar Benson Miller, Omari Hardwick, Robbie Jones, Pastor Toure Roberts, Sugar Shane Mosely,Wesley Jonathan, and Wren Brown belt out words of empathy and sorrow in this short tribute. If you could have been Trayvon Martin, you’re going to want to watch. Hit the jump.

‘CSI’ Star Filing For Bankruptcy!

According to TMZ Gary Dourdan, who starred on “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation,” filed for bankruptcy on Monday. Rumor has it that Dourdan has $1.8 million in assets, but owes $1.73 million and a big amount, $1,689,704 is owed to a number of banks, one of which holds his mortgage…. For the rest of the story click below. Mickey

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