Looking forward to the new Nexus 7 tablet from Google? Well check out the pre-sale at Gamestop! You might be able to save some money on your purchase of the device. Hit the jump for details on the pre-sale at Gamestop. ShottaDru X TatWza
Looking forward to the new Nexus 7 tablet from Google? Well check out the pre-sale at Gamestop! You might be able to save some money on your purchase of the device. Hit the jump for details on the pre-sale at Gamestop. ShottaDru X TatWza
Still thinking about buying a tablet? Well check it your local Gamestop will be apart of the new rollout of tablets at their stores. There are a couple of extras involved with their tablets. Hit the jump for details. ShottaDru X TatWza
A few weeks ago Gamestop announced a new business model in which they decided to start taking in trades of tablets and selling Macbooks. Looks like Gamefly took notice and decided to take it a step further and decided to develop their own games for iOS and Android platforms. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZa
We have some great news to break on Gadget Experts. We have confirmed that GameStop will now take Samsung Galaxy devices and Nexus devices for trade in. @Yungjohnnybravo @TatWZAÂ
This is mildly funny, yet some of the prank questions really have run across all of our minds. Game Stop, although we love gaming, can be the type of place we would want to Prank call. Hit the Jump! Follow @TatWza +TatWZA
This is getting Crazy, as usual, it feels like Apple is truly trying to take over the World, They are sell iOS devices at Gamestop??? well it seems as though that’s what the Rumor Is! Hit the Jump for a little bit of confirmation!! Tat WZA WZA on Google+