Tech Talk Gaming: The Latest News On @GamerTagRadio!!!

It’s been a  Week since we last Posted On what the Gaming word is on one of the leading Gaming News sites, But it’s more than time for you to catch up, Hit the Jump. @Yungjohnnybravo @TatWZA

Tech Talk Gaming: Does Binary Domain Live Up To The Hype??

If you’re tired of killing aliens, zombies and/or Russian terrorists, then Binary Domain just might be for you. In SEGA’s futuristic squad shooter you won’t actually fire a shot at a single living thing, just waves upon waves of mechanical maniacs hell-bent on instigating the extinction of you and your species. While its core gameplay doesn’t stray too far from the Gears of War template, its setting and plot – inspired by the likes of I, Robot and Bladerunner – makes for a fresh and often thrilling experience, with only a handful of negatives holding it back from greatness. @Yungjohnnybravo @TatWZA

Tech Talk Shopping: Get A Bundle Of Games On Your Android Device For A Penny???

I mean you can name your own price, so yes you can say a penny, you can get 3 games plus a bonus for one Penny, if you want it for a penny. Hit the Jump. +TatWZA

Tech Talk Gaming: The Latest News On @GamerTagRadio!!!

It’s been a Couple Of Weeks since I last Posted On what the Gaming word is on one of the leading Gaming News sites, But it’s more than time for you to catch up, Hit the Jump. +TatWZA

Tech Talk Games: Best Buy Says Diablo 3 is On The Way, February 1, 2012!!!!

Best Buy apparently believes Diablo 3 isn’t far off from launch in North America, as a Winnipeg, Canada-based Twitter user spotted a display for the game in a Rochester, Minnesota store showing a February 1 launch for the game alongside a countdown timer. Bizarrely, the tweet has since been pulled, but we snagged his image (addressed to former Joystiq previews editor Arthur Gies — thanks Arthur!) and tracked down the Best Buy to confirm its existence. @Yungjohnnybravo @TatWZA

Tech Talk Games: Top 10 Best Xbox 360 Games OF 2011

When Microsoft’s Xbox 360 launched in 2005 ($399 for the full system package,$299 for the “Core” unit), it carved out a place among gamers who didn’t want to wait for the Nintendo Wii or Sony Playstation 3 to hit store shelves. The follow up to the original Xbox (which you can purchase for as low a price as $199 for the 4GB model) expands on the original console’s promise by offering greater online play, a deep online marketplace, and several multimedia features previously only seen in set top boxes (ESPN, Hulu Plus, Netflix). @Yungjohnnybravo @TatWZA

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