Apple scored a victory with their ongoing battle with Samsung. Samsung’s Galaxy Tab 10.1 has been banned for sale in the United States. Check out the full story on the ban after the jump. ShottaDru X TatWza
Apple scored a victory with their ongoing battle with Samsung. Samsung’s Galaxy Tab 10.1 has been banned for sale in the United States. Check out the full story on the ban after the jump. ShottaDru X TatWza
The beef between Apple and Samsung took a major turn when Germany sided with Apple for a ban of the Galaxy 10.1 tablet. Hit the jump for full details of the ban and what it means. Follow @TatWza +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+
Well it seems so, A leaked Pic of Tmobile’s inventory shows that is really could be! Well the question is, do you care?? You should, That Tab on a 3G/4G Network would be Clean, Just ask Verizon(but less the Price)!! Hit the Jump On exactly when! WZA on Google+
Apparently, it’s a little more than a rumor, since there is a tweet that came from Tmobile’s twitter page, which you may find after the Jump, The 10.1 Tab is gonna get Tmobile-fied!!! Tat WZA WZA on Google+
Available Now, we’ve told you about the GTab II(That’s what I call it, the “Gtab”) coming for a while now, but it’s finally Here, and by here I mean the Link to the Verizon store after the Jump, as well as some commercials, and Specs to help Sway you, maybe -_-