Gadhafi’s Wife And 3 Of His Kids Cross Into Algeria!!

The wife and three children of Moammar Gadhafi are in Algeria, that nation’s Foreign Ministry said Monday. Hit the jump to read the rest of the story. Funk Flex Find Flex On Google+

Gaddafi Has $1.1 Billion Of Libyan Government Assets In New York Based Banks

Muammar Gaddafi stashed over $1.1 Billion in Libyan government assets in two New York based banks. The government money in the New York based banks is not the only money that the Libyan leader had stashed in America. The United States froze Libya assets back in February and technically the money should be released back to Libya, but that may not happen. Read more about the money after the jump. @Julie1205

Obama Comments On Libya “Tripoli is slipping from the grasp of a tyrant”

As the rebels rejoice in Green Square in Tripoli, Obama released a statement about the situation saying that Qadhafi and his regime need realize that they are on the verge of collapsing and that they should give up already. Duhhhh! LOL but don’t quote me on that, that’s just what I took from the statement. But you can read it for yourself after the jump 🙂 @ItsLukieBaby

BREAKING NEWS: (Video) Gaddafi’s Sons Captured, Guards Surrender, Rebels Celebrate

Earlier today we reported that rebel forces had arrived in Tripoli, and tonight the rebels claimed to have captured two of Gaddafi’s sons and that Gaddafi’s presidential guards have surrendered. Read NATO’s public statement about the situation in Libya after the jump and watch the rebels celebrating in Tripoli’s Green Square live. @ItsLukieBaby

Libyan Rebels Reportedly Reach Tripoli

Libyan rebels have reportedly reached the perimeter of leader Muammar al-Qaddafi’s stronghold after taking over a key military base and seizing its weapons. Read the full story after the jump!! @Funkmasterflex Find Flex on Google +

Nelly Furtado pledges to give the $1m she earned at private gig for Colonel Gaddafi to charity!

Nelly Furtado tweeted today that she will donate the million dollars she received back in 2007 for performing a private concert for Libyan dictator Gaddafi and his family. She hasn’t revealed which charity she will invest in, but in light of the killings going on in Libya, I guess she feels its only right to put that ‘blood money’ to good use! Find out what other celebs have performed for the Gaddafi family and are being urged to give up their earnings after the jump! @iBLONDEgenius

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