Auto (Racing) How Many Millions Does It Take To Host A Formula One Race?

Now I see why formula 1 races are mainly held in other parts of the world outside of the U.S. You gotta have a really strong racing fanbase to explain the money that is spent on bringing a F1 race to your city, and even though there are a few F1 races in the U.S. each year, I would not consider the states a strong fanbase for it. According to leaked documents from a newspaper in Australia, it could cost on average, anywhere between $31-37 Million dollars to host a race. Meaning the city hosting the event is actually paying F1 for the priveledge. So where does F1 come out of pocket?? The documents also show that taxpayers are the ones who are left holding the bill when races come to town. Sounds kind of grimey to me, but like I said, if you have a rabid fanbase for anything in general, usually it wont cause much of an uproar. Hit the link after the jump to see more.

Auto: Formula 1 Race Fans Drink Like No Other

In a state known for doing everything BIG, these formula 1 racing fans were no exception. In November, Austin Texas was the host to the Circuit Of The America’s formula 1 race. It was a 4 day event, but really only Saturday and Sunday were the days with crowds for the actual race. Fans managed to drink $2.8 million dollars of alcohol in just the weekend! That was more than anywhere in the entire state, for the entire month!! Remember the Dallas Cowboys play in the same state and had a couple home games that month and football fans came nowhere close to that dollar amount of alcohol drank. But then again the Cowboys never win at anything. I can only imagine how many drunk race fans got obliterated at the track and let the race atmosphere get to them and tried to be fast&furious with their own cars when they left the race. IamJOE357

(Video) Red Bull Racing’s Formula One Car Burns Rubber on the Streets of New York

Have you ever been on your block and saw a Formula 1 car drive by at 200 mph? I’m sure your answer is no but neither have I. Red Bull on the other hand had a race car tear through the streets of New York and New Jersey. While enjoyed the video I think it could have been better. Click below to check out the vid. WiL Major

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