Bun B Co Launches New Food Blog!!!

The man of all trades and Hip hop legend Bun B has taken to video to introduce yet another new venture, as if a hip hop coloring book wasn’t diverse enough! The southern native is launching none other than an interactive food blog to which he says was inspired by everyones common passion and love for eats! I couldn’t agree more with this endeavor, hit the jump to see the mild introduction to Bun b’s diverse Food blog!

(Video) Esther Baxter Discusses Leaving The Music Industry; Starts Up A Food Blog

Esther has been off the video modeling scene for almost 6 years now, but still does some print modeling every now and again. In a sit-down with 24 Wired, she talks about why she no longer does videos, her new food blog and more. Watch below. Marisa Mendez

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